This Saturday 2/25 has been marked as a national day of hate of the Jews-by people who really hate Jews. People who work in Jewish institutions are well aware of the threats. Like with the Queer community, and also the Black community, it is our gathering places that are often the targets.

But this is not reason to stay away. In fact, this is good reason to show up. COME SHOW YOUR LOVE this Shabbat-2/25 10:30am!!
If you care about the Jewish people, our future, the health and vitality of our children, the viabitly of our presence in this nation: show up. Put your body where your heart is. Walk into the building. This is the best way to fight antisemitism.
Our assimilation has not helped us. Not really. You might not have to identify as a Jew in public. You can hide your identity. That is allowed in our nation. But our assimilation has not diminished Jew hatred. We gained access to American society by privileging our American secular identities over our ethnic and religious identities. We are very busy on Friday nights and Shabbat mornings with all sorts of activities that nurture us and they keep us out of the synagogue. I am delighted that American Jews have so many options for how to live and nurture their lives. I want us to live our lives freely. And we also have to stand together and support each other.
Assimilation might benefit individuals but it hurts the group. The Jewish people have in many ways thrived in America but we also still live in danger. And our future here is uncertain. It is not clear to me that my grandchildren will be Americans. As a child, a young adult, a new mother and in the early years of my rabbinate I would have never written these words. But things have changed. Times have changed. Americans have changed. And the needs of the Jewish community have changed.
We do not just want but need your support.
To push back agianst antisemitism.
To support our viability and vitality as the only progressive synagogue north of 520 on the Eastside.
To show up and make yourself known. So we know who our people are-so we can protect and hold each other. As we have for thousands of years.
Can we turn this Saturday from a designated day of hate into a designated day of love for our Jewish community?
Here are a few ideas for how to support Kol Ami this Shabbat.
Come! Tonight-6pm is a happy hour and 7:30pm is our Kabbalat Shabbat service. And Shabbat morning we gather at 10:30am for meditative prayer and at noon for the study and discussion of the weekly Torah portion.
Support of annual fundraiser! It is next week 3/4 from 3-6pm register here:
Get invovled. There are so many ways to get invovled and contribute to our community.
May God bless you and keep you. Always shown upon you and be gracious to you. And grant you nothing but peace peace peace in your life.
Many blessings,
Rabbi Kinberg
Please enjoy these images of Jewish Life and Jewish Love at Kol Ami!