Honor your loved one with a memorial that we'll carry with us, wherever the future takes us. This also makes a moving gift for friends in mourning.
What’s a Yahrzeit?
Yahrzeit in Yiddish means “year time.” It refers to the anniversary of a loved one’s passing. In the Jewish faith tradition, brass plaques are a common way used to show honor and kavod (respect) for our ancestors and also help support the congregation’s financial needs. Kol Ami’s memorial quilts will be for Jews and non-Jews, families of our members, and others who feel a connection to Kol Ami.
Why quilt(s)?
Kol Ami’s sanctuary decorations include many handmade tapestries or quilts, so this is consistent with our style. They will be handmade by congregants, which is also consistent with Kol Ami’s volunteer, cooperative culture.
Best of all, unlike a plaque or memorial wall, they're portable, so they will travel with us wherever we are. When one queen-size quilt is complete, another will be started. We hope this is the beginning of a tradition that future generations of Kol Ami families will continue.
What will my square look like?
Your loved one’s information will be embroidered on a white fabric square. You may specify up to 3 lines of up to 10 letters or spaces each with name and, optionally, birth date or year. Line 4 will be the date of death (Yahrzeit). The embroidered square will be centered onto a 5.5” square of fabric you choose from the wide selection in our Quilt Fabric Catalog.
Approximately 60 finished squares will be sewn onto a dark blue patterned background that, with Northwest and Jewish themed borders surrounding it, creates the quilt top. Only Gregorian dates and English lettering is possible (no Hebrew).

How much is the suggested donation per quilt square?
The minimum suggested donation per square is $100.