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Congregation Kol Ami
1 day ago4 min read
Meeting the moment as a Rabbi and Zionist
From the desk of Rabbi Kinberg I do not want to discuss stressful topics at Shabbat services, especially Friday night. Unless it is a...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Jan 202 min read
Golden Threads: Honoring Dr. King and my parents
MLK Day reflection by R' Kinberg
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Congregation Kol Ami
Dec 13, 20244 min read
Embrace the Light: Hanukkah 5785 at Kol Ami - A Celebration of Community, Tradition, and Giving!
Shabbat Shalom! Hanukkah is afoot.
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Congregation Kol Ami
Nov 6, 20244 min read
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Congregation Kol Ami
Oct 30, 20243 min read
People suck, so proclaims the Lord.* But you do not have to.
This isn't just my proclamation about human nature; it's God's voice in our parashah this week. Both stories found in Parashat Noach,...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Oct 25, 20245 min read
We all get to choose. Thank God!
We are not confined to a predestined reality. The world was not created so that it could be destroyed. We are not born sinful. None of that
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Congregation Kol Ami
Aug 1, 20243 min read
My true love: teaching Judaism, join me!
I wish my daily life as a congregational rabbi were filled with study, learning, and teaching. This is what rabbis did historically. But...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Jun 28, 20242 min read
Who wants to be the adult in the room? Parasht Sh’lach
Time to stop digging our graves When the path forward seems impossible, and there is no option to turn back…it is the job of the adults...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Jun 5, 20242 min read
Jewish Beauty and Joy during hard times
It is hard to be a Jew right now. Everywhere I look, negativity is thrown our way. And our history is being revised by outside forces....
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Congregation Kol Ami
May 21, 20242 min read
Honoring Our Jewish Community and Leaders
Who is honored? Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Ancestors, which we teach at this season traditionally, teaches “Who is honored? The one who...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Apr 22, 20244 min read
Jewish Survival is an All of Us thing
Happy Passover! May your meal and storytelling inspire you to use your energy to make our world a better place: A meal with a purpose....
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Congregation Kol Ami
Apr 8, 20242 min read
Do you have friends who are NOT Jewish? This is your moment!
Of course you do! We all live in a non-Jewish majority nation. Most everyone I interact with when I leave the door of my home is not...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Apr 4, 20244 min read
Rabbi Kinberg goes to Washington DC
I am beyond upset. I am devestated. I am Israeli. I love Israel. I also love Palestinians and have long believed that both peoples...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Mar 14, 20243 min read
Your local Judaism: the heartbeat of our people
All over the world, when the moon is full in the month of Adar, Jews celebrate the holiday of Purim. It is a remembrance and celebration...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Feb 6, 20245 min read
PNW Zionism
Pacific Northwest Zionism: Healing Through Connection to the Land. I grew up in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, the indigenous homeland...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Dec 31, 20232 min read
New! Survey Course on Israel and Zionism
I am not teaching in this course but I am involved in organizing and designing this course as a leader of the Washington Coalition of...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Dec 7, 20235 min read
Special Hanukkah message from Rabbi Kinberg: Night 1 5784
Tonight at sundown, which by us is 4:22 pm, we will light the first candle of the menorah. We are bringing in Hanukkah 5784. We have been...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Nov 28, 20237 min read
What now? Moving forward after October 7th.
I have felt as if on mute the last month or so. I keep trying to write a blog post and then set it aside. I have been seeking the right...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Oct 9, 20233 min read
Devastated but undeterred
Dear Kol Ami members and friends, I am devastated. Over the weekend, as we were dancing and celebrating our Torah, hundreds of Israelis...
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Congregation Kol Ami
Oct 5, 20234 min read
Why should a Jew study the Torah?
Simchat Torah is THIS Saturday at 10:30am and Torah Study Bagel Brunch is at noon. Both are at Kol Ami in Kirkland. You do not need to...
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