You may be wondering what Kol Ami is doing to help the Afghan refugee crisis. We are continuing to serve local families as they contact us, and we deal with multiple requests each week.
Recently, several of our Kol Ami members donated a vacuum, a large toaster oven, and other household items which were delivered to the Muslim Community Resource Center storage facility in Redmond, which were in turn given to families within the Afghan community,
A partner congregation donated five bags of lightly used children's clothing. The clothes were sorted by a KA member and given to a family with five children in high need, and the remainder were given to the Tukwila Clothing Bank with whom we work closely.
A bassinet, newborn baby clothing, three car seats, an ironing board, and several large packages of diapers were purchased with funds provided by our social action committee and delivered to four different families. Just this week, an Afghan mother reached out and requested a computer so she can take English classes. Once again, the funds from Kol Ami's social action committee were used to purchase a Chromebook. Your donations are making an impact! TODAH RABAH!

How can you help?
1. Become a Diaper Sponsor this Hanukkah!
Special Kol Ami Challange: Can we get 18/Chai Diaper sponsors? Supporters are needed to send a package of diapers once a month to a designated family. To be a diaper sponsor, you simply order the diapers online and have them shipped directly to the family. The cost is about $30 per month and we ask for a 6 month commitment. This seemingly small effort makes a huge difference to a family who is trying to support a family on the father's minimum wage. You can choose to communicate and get to know the family if you would like, and they are so appreciative. YES? REALLY? YOU WILL BE A DIAPER SPONSOR? contact Deborah Kassel-Day at dkasselday@gmail.com

2. Monetary donations are still needed to continue our support for this growing population. Donate through the Rabbi's discretionary fund earmarked for Afghan families. Donate here
3. Afghan families who are already here have reached out to ask for assistance with getting extended family out of Afghanistan and out of harm's way. They need assistance with completing the paperwork to apply for Humanitarian Parole. It would take about an hour of your time to meet with the family, using their computer to help with this process. contact Deborah Kassel-Day at dkasselday@gmail.com
4. US sponsors are also needed for families applying for Humanitarian Parole. Once brought to safety in the US or a third country, the family continues with the process of filing for asylum and then permanent residency in the US. A Sponsor is an individual who files Form I-134 in support of a beneficiary's application and agrees to provide financial support, if it becomes necessary, for the beneficiary during parole. However, in October 2021, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution which now allows Humanitarian Parole beneficiaries to receive the same benefits of refugees, including housing assistance, access to public benefits, food assistance, resettlement assistance, job search assistance, and more. Access to these benefits makes it unlikely that the sponsor will need to provide financial support for Humanitarian Parole beneficiaries. contact Deborah Kassel-Day at dkasselday@gmail.com

5. Do you like to drive, or would you like to get better acquainted with other Kol Ami volunteers? You can make connections and a positive difference by helping deliver requested items directly to Afghan families. contact Deborah Kassel-Day at dkasselday@gmail.com
If you can help with any of the above, please contact Deborah Kassel-Day at dkasselday@gmail.com