Things are stressful. People are worried. Mental health is pressed for many.
Our democracy.
Our place AS JEWS in this society.
Our safety in public.
Our environment.
Our climate.
Our children.
Our parents.
Our sense of self.
The synagogue has been a home for cultivating hope, compassion, and a sacred community for over 2000 years. We survived the Greeks, the Romans, and even the Nazis. Weare still here.
We are resilient. But not so resilient that we do not want for the sacred in our lives, compassion in our lives, and hope in our lives. Truly these are not even "wants" but needs. During this critical era in the course of human and Jewish history, it is important for this ancient institution to provide us with what we have always needed to survive and thrive.
This year we are infusing our services and programs, for all ages and stages, with efforts to support the spiritual and mental health of our members and friends. Uplift. Infusing hope. Supporting breath, prayer, creative expression, and gaining wisdom through Judaism is what we are showing up for this year at Kol Ami.

Our guiding Jewish values for this upcoming Jewish year are:
Tikvah/Hope The synagogue is a vehicle for hope. Hope is the entire point of US. Rachamim/Compassion Taking care of each other. Nurturing. Loving. Caring. Connecting.
Kehillah Kedosha/Holy Community We exist for a reason. We have survived for a reason. We are here to do holy work within ourselves, amongst ourselves & beyond ourselves.
Our goal at Kol Ami is to be a center not just for Jewish life but for hope, compassion, and community. We have created a schedule of programs, classes, and services designed to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of people living right NOW. Today. Living in this very moment can feel like a very narrow space. Judaism is a key to unlocking the vastness of possibility and hope.
This is what you can look forward to at Kol Ami in the months ahead.

Shabbat: A space for hope, compassion, and holy community
Friday night
1st Shabbat: A Celebration of Jewish Music w/Susan and Choir 7:30 pm
2nd Shabbat: Tikkun Olam Shabbat 6-9pm
3rd Shabbat: We are all in this together Lay-led Shabbat 7:30 pm
4th Shabbat: Kabbalah Shabbat: Mystical Connections 7:30 pm
(David Levitan is a rockstar)
5th Shabbat: Wild Card
Shabbat Morning Prayer and Meditation w/focus on spiritual and mental wellness weekly at 10:30 am
Brunch and Learn Weekly Torah Study Noon-1:30 pm
Healing Havdalah Monthly 7 pm
Afternoon Jewish Spiritual Practice for Wellness once a month at 3 pm
And for children, teens, and families: Tot Shabbat, K-7h grade, and our new Mishpacha Havdalah program

Holidays: Opportunities to infuse hope, compassion, and holy community into the lives of our members and
Tisha B'Av Havdalah: Mourning our Democracy
Rosh Chodesh Elul Havdalah: Time for Personal Transformation
Selichot Havdalah: Look Back, Moving Forward
Rosh HaShanah: 2 PM services, 1 AM service, lunch, tashlich, youth program
Yom Kippur (same as Rosh)
Sukkot: Pizza in the Hut, Oneg in the Hut
Simchat Torah Celebration
Hanukkah: BIG PARTY
Tu B'Shvat Celebration: Forest Therapy
Purim Celebration and Fundraiser
Passover 2nd Night Seder
Yom Ha'Atzmaut
Yom HaShoah
Shavuot Late Night Study

Social Action/Tikkun Olam: Hope in Action, Compassion Realized, Holy Community Empowered
Monthly Tikkun Olam Shabbatot
Monthly Zoom Social Action Programs and Actions
Rapid Response Events

Spiritual & Mental Wellness: Hope is vital to wellness. Compassion is vital to wellness. Community is vital to wellness
Shabbat Programs
Adult. Programs
Holiday Programs
Family Programs
Rapid responses to critical events
Pastoral Connections: weekly, monthly, quarterly, randomly
Financial Aid for our members

Adult Programs: Cultivating hope, compassion, and community through Jewish learning
NEW! IYUN: click here to check out our new adult education program!
New! Adult Bnai Mitzvah Program (registration closed)
Hebrew for Adults (rolling enrollment, no cost)
Summer Mussar Program

Family & Youth Programs: Providing hope, compassion, and holy community for the next generation, giving them a place to grow strong as individuals and Jews
What is needed now.
Come share in what we provide.
No family can go at it alone. No individual. We are here to partner with each other in hope. compassion and community. To help lift each other up.
Need a consult as how to best hook into our community and the services we provide? Make an appointment with me here using Calendly!
I am also available for weekly spiritual counseling, couples work, grief work, and learning one on one! Use the Calendly link above to make an appointment.
Many blessings,
Rabbi Kinberg