I am not teaching in this course but I am involved in organizing and designing this course as a leader of the Washington Coalition of Rabbis. I will be the chat moderator for this course.
If you want to learn more and clarify history, go deep and wide on the development of Israel and Zionism in 6 sessions...taught by some of the brightest rabbinic minds in Washington?
This is the course for you.
If not now, when?
Seriously. If not NOW? When?
This course is taught through the diverse perspectives of scholars. While each rabbi has their worldview and experiences, these 6 rabbis will share their deep knowledge of the development of Israel and Zionism over time. Each has a unique and valuable voice. No one class or teacher will give you the whole picture or the entire history. Learning Israel and Zionism is a process not a class. It is the integration of multiple narratives and co-occurring histories. It is work. It involves wresting and grappling with world history, Jewish thought, Jewish theology, Jewish dreams, and grappling with maps, and politics and how the nations of the world have engaged with us.
Are you interested in putting in the work to better understand the history of the Jewish people? There is no short video, meme, talking head, or article that can give you what the Washington Coalition of Rabbis is offering. As a Coalition of Rabbis, we embrace multiple perspectives and paths within Judaism and the diversity of the Jewish people and Jewish thought. Most of us are not just scholars and thinkers but leaders and pastors. We live with and among the Jewish people. We are not in an ivory tower but rather interacting every day with Jews and non-Jews alike, doing the hard work of accompanying people through these difficult times.
This is a unique opportunity to learn. Please register today!
Thank you!
Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg
Starting Sun, Feb 04, Zoom
Survey Course on Israel and Zionism
In this 6-session course taught by a diverse group of Washington State rabbis, students will learn about the history and ideology of Zionism and Israel, including how they intersect with Jewish thought, history, and identity. This course will be held on Sundays at 5:00 p.m. exclusively on zoom.
Time & Location
Feb 04, 2024, 5:00 PM – Mar 10, 2024, 6:20 PM
About the event
All classes will be held on Sunday afternoons from 5:00-6:15 p.m. exclusively on zoom. Tuition is on a sliding scale, if you are unable to pay the suggested rates, please be in touch. No one is turned away based on their ability to pay.
Schedule, topics, and instructors:
February 4
Ancient Israel and the Jewish People
Rabbi Brett Weisman
February 11
The Jewish Diaspora and the Land of Israel: 2000 Years of Connection
Rabbi James Mirel
February 18
Early Modern Zionisms: The Jewish "Problem" and Jewish Nationalism
Rabbi Bruce Kadden
February 24
The Founding of the State of Israel: Cultural and Historical Perspectives
Rabbi Sydney Danziger
March 3
The Arab/Israeli Conflict
Rabbi Danny Weiner
March 10
Israel and Zionism Today: Contemporary Jewish Relationships to Israel and Israel's Relationship to the Jewish World
Rabbi David Basior
Cost: From $108.00 to $180.00, scholarships are available for Kol Ami members (contact Rabbikinberg@gmail.com)
This is not a Kol Ami course. This is a course offered by the Washington Coalition of Rabbis and I am the co-chair of this organization.