Annual Meeting Info
Please join us in person or online for the Kol Ami Annual Meeting, Shabbat Dinner, and Member Appreciation Shabbat on Friday, June 10th, 5:30 PM. Please register if you are coming in person or attending on Zoom. If you are unable to attend, please click here to fill our your proxy ballot.
A Note About Dues
Kol Ami’s fiscal year begins on July 1st. We have shifted from the model where members made one payment of annual dues, to a system where members schedule monthly dues payments by credit card or bank transfer. Scheduled payments are easier to predict and budget, and they give us some certainty in planning our Jewish year. Therefore, it is important that you enter your dues payment information into ShulCloud before July 1st.
Our policy is for you choose the amount of dues you can contribute to Kol Ami. We want this to be an informed choice. So … here’s information! If you’re looking for a suggested amount of annual dues, $2700 a year, $225 a month is a good starting point. This is calculated based on the total cost to sustain Kol Ami divided by the number of member families. However, it’s up to you to determine how much to pay in dues. In turn we ask you: What is the value of our Kol Ami community?
What does it mean to have worship, learn Jewish values, educate our children, and connect with other Jews? What does it mean to have a Rabbi with the courage to speak her mind, backed by a congregation who supports her all the way? What does it mean to have a Jewish community that fights for reproductive rights, welcomes the LGBTQ+ community, and is recognized as a leader in its support of refugees and asylum seekers? A community that’s there to celebrate our simchas and mourn our losses?
Treasurer's Report
It costs $300,000 annually to keep Kol Ami running with our existing staffing levels. 75% of this cost goes to salary: for the Rabbi, JJ in admin, and the folks who provide our music and teach our kids. The next largest budget items are rent and High Holiday services. This leaves 12% of our budget for everything else: software, Zoom, supplies, postage, phone, copying, accounting, insurance, etc. This is an important take-away: our synagogue is not an institution. It’s more personal than that. We spend more on our people than for anything else.