IYUN & Rabbi Kinberg present: Pursuing Justice: Walking Wholeheartedly in a Broken World
How might Jewish tradition refract an ethos for the kind of commitments we want to make and the actions we want to take to improve our shared society? For whom are we responsible? What do we need to know about ethics, power, and action before we make those decisions? To address these enduring questi

Kol Ami Events
Dec 15, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
About The Events
New Adult Education program
IYUN: Big Questions bring us together
Fall/winter 2022 Offering
October 20-December 15
Thursdays 7-8:15pm Zoom
register: www.kolaminw.org
Pursuing Justice: Walking Wholeheartedly in a Broken World
How might Jewish tradition refract an ethos for the kind of commitments we want to make and the actions we want to take to improve our shared society? For whom are we responsible? What do we need to know about ethics, power, and action before we make those decisions? To address these enduring questions, we will look to classical and contemporary Jewish wisdom, to see what it might offer us as we work toward creating a more just world.
10/20: How Big is Your Story?
How big is our story? In what way does personal history become collective history?
10/27: For Whom Am I Responsible?
Who is in my community, and for whom am I supposed to care? Am I obligated to care about some people more than others? What do I do when my heart tells me to care?
11/3: How Do I Wield Power?
How do we understand our privilege? Once we understand it, what is our responsibility to the world around us in which we live? Should we feel bad about it?
11/10: How Do Words Shape Our World?
What names have we been given and what names do we want to make for ourselves? How does our naming of things and people shape our experience with them and their experience with the world?
11/17: How Do We Include or Exclude?
What types of boundaries exist in my inner, middle, and outer circles? What role do I play in maintaining them - and what kind of results does this yield? When boundaries exist, do they help or hurt the evolution of our communities?
12/1: What Happens When Systems Fall Apart?
12/8: On Political and Spiritual Resistance: Protest or Pray?
12/15: What’s next?
What enduring questions are we still holding? What’s next? How do we say goodbye to one another in a way that honors the time we have spent together?
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